As followers of the Lord Jesus we need to cultivate a deep & loving intimacy with Him without losing a healthy dose of fear & respect for His holiness. A “one-sided” & lukewarm kind of love is not something God wants & deserves.
Most people view Him as a figure whose main purpose is to just encourage, love & bless them. Only a few are hungry enough to search through Scriptures and have that desire to know God with the intention to honor & obey Him. The Bibles declares, “… these are the people the Father seeks..”, may this be the longing of our hearts today.
“If any man should boast, let Him boast in this: that they ‘truly know & understand Me’… that I am the LORD who demonstrates unfailing love & brings justice & righteousness to the earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD. -Jeremiah 9:24