TROMS Weekly Radio Program
Sundays 7:00 PM - TROMS Facebook Page Live Streaming every Saturday 8:00 PMTROMS Radio Program Hosts

📻 Live Streaming: TROMS GO – Saturdays 8:00 PM
New messages from Ptr Emerita every Sunday 7:00 PM
📻 Previous Messages
Radio: Our God Shall Supply All Our Needs Part 2
Continuous provision is promised to those who takes the time to be kind & generous to the poor. This is a key in receiving blessings that most of us take for granted.
Radio: Our God Shall Supply All Our Needs-Part 1
There is a way for us to receive continuous blessings from the Lord. If we make it a point to make God’s purpose a part of our financial aspirations, God will provide. For it is in giving that we will receive.
Radio: If You Want Change Part 6
By allowing ourselves to be obedient to God’s Word, we will clearly see how His ways are higher than ours and how He has the power to change & reverse even our painful experiences to our benefit.
Radio: If You Want Change Part 5
We can’t experience a full & blessed life apart from God and He expects all those who wish to receive from Him to trust Him “completely” in everything. He is after our hearts.
Our trust should always be coupled with our obedience to His Word & a deep desire to continuously express our love for Him.