TROMS Weekly Radio Program

Sundays 7:00 PM - TROMS Facebook Page
Live Streaming every Saturday 8:00 PM

TROMS Radio Program Hosts

Program Host: Ptr. Eustaquia Barqueros
Radio Program Host: Ptr. Emerita Barqueros
Radio Program Hosts: Ptr. Dan Ochoa, Janice B. Pangilinan and Gemma Ochoa
Co-hosts: Ptr. Dan Ochoa, Janice Pangilinan and Gemma Ochoa
Hosts : Alain Pinsotes, Jarmaine Jam Pangilinan, Justin Pangilinan, and Joshua Ochoa
Co-Hosts : Alain Pinsotes, Jarmaine Jam Pangilinan, Justin Pangilinan, and Joshua Ochoa

📻  Live Streaming: TROMS GO – Saturdays 8:00 PM

New messages from Ptr Emerita every Sunday 7:00 PM 

📻  Previous Messages

Radio: The Altar in You Heart Part 4

Radio: The Altar in You Heart Part 4

Each one of us go through seasons in life where we need to get back up & start over again. A great preacher once said, “You cannot control what other people do to you or the hurtful circumstances that will come your way, BUT, you always have a choice how to respond to it.” Yes, you may be in a tough situation right now, but God is challenging you today; how much are you willing to sacrifice just to rebuild your life & get the fresh start that you need?

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Radio: The Altar in Your Heart 3

Radio: The Altar in Your Heart 3

Are you going through continuous trials that never seem to end? Are you feeling tired because of what you need to face on a regular basis? Different problems come in our lives whether we like it or not. Sometimes, we feel like giving up because of the pain we have to endure while going through it.

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Radio: The Altar in Your Heart Part 1

Radio: The Altar in Your Heart Part 1

True & perfect love involves some form of sacrifice. Once you experience the wonderful feeling of being loved, it will push you to do things you’ve never done before. It will make you appreciate what you received & will inspire you to become a better person. That’s how our love relationship with God should be.

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Radio: Your Blessing is In Your Mouth 3

Radio: Your Blessing is In Your Mouth 3

Every change starts with a decision. If you are tired of what’s happening in your life right now; if you are uncertain and scared of what might happen in the future, begin to follow God.

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